Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Beat Recession Depression- And Tackle The Small Stuff (A New Series)

OK, so where have I been, right? I'm sure that's what you have all been wondering! I recently embarked on a move that I would swear was across country- and it was only 15 minutes away from my last home. I moved to Queen Creek, AZ from my home which was previously in Mesa, AZ. Queen Creek would be considered the super suburbs compared to the urban city of Mesa, which is a bit less urban than the extremes of culture in Phoenix. So, if you ask some, I've now moved to cow country! That's not true though, as I only moved 15 minutes into QC- I am only a good 10 minutes away from the highway, straight down one street to civilization. I have a cousin who really lives in Queen Creek and you have to plan a day trip just to get to her house! ( I love you Nikki!)

I did what many homeowners are doing right now, taking advantage of the deals... and homes are practically being given away here, though typically due to someone else's misfortune. ( I firmly believe that through all of this misfortune- a silver lining will arise and all of these crazy loans will be forgiven- if they were truly done accidentally..political sidebar ((lol)) So me, hubby and my four kids and two kittens moved into a larger home with a pool FINALLY, in a great neighborhood where everybody knows your name and they're always glad you came... yes, I know you are humming the Cheers song now. It's a great home with good bones. (Don't non-designers hate when we say that- my hubby does!) But, it really does have some great possibilities with it. I have gained a living room from having a home with just one living area. Now I have a living room and family room. (we've discussed this area in a previous post: Please read "Your Formal Living Room is Too Dressed Up" Tuesday, May 12, 2009. This was important to me because, with 3 teenagers and a nearly 5 year old, we were all packed like sardines in our last house. I prefer a two-story to a single story home. Even as large as they can be, I never feel as though I can truly escape in a one story. Here, I can walk away to a whole new level, literally and metaphorically. What a great thing... well, now back to my post...

This recession has caused a whole new way of living for most of us affected by the economy. Whether you have been forced into a smaller space or downsized by choice, maybe you have been able to take advantage of the market and move to a larger home, or perhaps you are trying to sell what you have to free yourself of the burden- I have decided to ATTEMPT to create a series that will tackle one small space of your home at a time. Of course, the reoccurring theme of each piece, will be that you should hire a designer to help you do all of these things for your home- but I would never expect you to spend money on something that you CAN genuinely do on your own, either. I am a firm advocate for do-it-yourself projects (in moderation) that can truly increase the value of your home. AND- that is really the key to a well done DIY. So many channels boast these tacky projects that one can do on their own, that will significantly diminish the value of your property. Just because you can go buy a can of paint at the store all by yourself, does not mean you should be taking a paintbrush to your kitchen cabinets! There has to be a balance of quality and skill within your project.

Now, I joke about ATTEMPTING to do this series because over the last three weeks I have not been posting anything due to my constant problems with my Internet service provider... which should now be resolved!

Our first space to tackle will be the powder room...

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