Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm back...with a VENGEANCE!!!

Hello All,

Welcome back to me and my blog. I took a blog vacation, which it turns out is not the best thing to do. I, at first, found it necessary to spend all of my effort hunting down potential new clients. I have since found that I need the therapy that my blog allows me to have, so I am back!!! And boy do I have a lot to say. My last few months have given me insight into so many things. More than anything it has shown me that the potential client (yeah YOU) are uneducated when it comes to purchasing and design. And that is not your fault. It is the fault of many different outlets. The largest one begin mainstream media. Television has got my poor unsuspecting clients believing that they can do anything with a little gusto and $3,000... Oh my gosh! Damn you big box store who tells my potential clients that they can get an entire kitchen for $128.00 a square foot. Damn you overstock places that tell them they can now have granite for as low as $35.00 a square foot. And most of all- SHAME ON EVERY DESIGN SHOW ON HGTV that makes my clients believe that they can gut and remodel their living room, put in high end furnishing, glass tile walls, wallpaper and new flooring and doesn't tell them what it all costs. Sure, I have shared ways to do low cost cosmetic makeovers. They do exist... But honestly, now is the time to invest in what we have and do it well. I am back now to show you how. Candace won't tell you, somebody has to!!!!!

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